
important economic pests
Syn: ↑family Gelechiidae
Hypernyms: ↑arthropod family
Member Holonyms: ↑Lepidoptera, ↑order Lepidoptera
Member Meronyms:
gelechiid, ↑gelechiid moth, ↑Gelechia, ↑genus Gelechia, ↑Sitotroga, ↑genus Sitotroga, ↑Phthorimaea, ↑genus Phthorimaea, ↑pink bollworm, ↑Gelechia gossypiella

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\\ˌjeləˈkīəˌdē\ noun plural
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Gelechia, type genus (from Greek gēlechēs sleeping on the earth + New Latin -ia) + -idae
: a large family of small moths having slender wings with the outer margin of the hind wing usually concave and including important economic insects (as the pink bollworm, the Angoumois grain moth, and various leaf rollers)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.