
genus Saxifraga
type genus of the Saxifragaceae; large genus of usually perennial herbs of Arctic and cool regions of northern hemisphere: saxifrage
Syn: ↑Saxifraga
Hypernyms: ↑rosid dicot genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Saxifragaceae, ↑family Saxifragaceae, ↑saxifrage family
Member Meronyms:
saxifrage, ↑breakstone, ↑rockfoil, ↑yellow mountain saxifrage, ↑Saxifraga aizoides, ↑meadow saxifrage, ↑fair-maids-of-France, ↑Saxifraga granulata, ↑mossy saxifrage, ↑Saxifraga hypnoides, ↑western saxifrage, ↑Saxifraga occidentalis, ↑purple saxifrage, ↑Saxifraga oppositifolia, ↑star saxifrage, ↑starry saxifrage, ↑Saxifraga stellaris, ↑strawberry geranium, ↑strawberry saxifrage, ↑mother-of-thousands, ↑Saxifraga stolonifera, ↑Saxifraga sarmentosam

Useful english dictionary. 2012.