
get even
1. compensate; make the score equal (Freq. 1)
Syn: ↑equalize, ↑equalise
Derivationally related forms: ↑equalisation (for: ↑equalise), ↑equalization (for: ↑equalize), ↑equalizer (for: ↑equalize)
Hypernyms: ↑score, ↑hit, ↑tally, ↑rack up
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s

2. take revenge or even out a score

I cannot accept the defeat—I want to get even

Syn: ↑get back
Hypernyms: ↑revenge, ↑avenge, ↑retaliate
Hyponyms: ↑pay back, ↑pay off, ↑get, ↑fix
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s


Somebody ——s PP

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HAVE ONE'S REVENGE, avenge oneself, take vengeance, even the score, settle the score, hit back, give as good as one gets, pay someone back, repay someone, reciprocate, retaliate, take reprisals, exact retribution; give someone their just deserts; informal get one's own back, give someone a taste of their own medicine, settle someone's hash; poetic/literary be revenged.

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: to get even with someone : get revenge

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get/be/even (with someone) informal phrase
to punish or to have punished someone by causing them as much trouble or harm as they have caused you

I’ll get even with him if it’s the last thing I do.

Thesaurus: to treat someone in the same bad way they treat yousynonym
Main entry: even

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get (or be) even
informal inflict trouble or harm on someone similar to that which they have inflicted on oneself

I'll get even with you for this

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get even
: to do something bad or unpleasant to someone who has treated you badly or unfairly

He vowed that he would get even (with them) for the way he'd been treated.

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Main Entry:even
get even — see even, 1
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Main Entry:get

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be/get ˈeven (with sb) idiom
(informal) to cause sb the same amount of trouble or harm as they have caused you

I'll get even with you for this, just you wait.

Main entry:evenidiom

Useful english dictionary. 2012.