
sea milkwort
Syn: ↑genus Glaux
Hypernyms: ↑dicot genus, ↑magnoliopsid genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Primulaceae, ↑family Primulaceae, ↑primrose family
Member Meronyms: ↑sea milkwort, ↑sea trifoly, ↑black saltwort, ↑Glaux maritima

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\\ˈglȯks\ noun
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, a plant, from Greek glaux, glax swine cress
: a cosmopolitan genus of fleshly perennial herbs (family Primulaceae) having opposite leaves and small whitish flowers — see sea milkwort

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Glaux /glöks/
The generic name of sea milkwort or black saltwort, a fleshy seaside plant of the primrose family, with pink sepals and no petals, once used in soda-making
ORIGIN: Gr glaux wart cress

Useful english dictionary. 2012.