
glee club
a club organized to sing together
club, ↑social club, ↑society, ↑guild, ↑gild, ↑lodge, ↑order

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: a group organized for singing glees, part-songs, ballads, choral pieces

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a chorus organized for singing choral music.

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glee club noun (chiefly N American)
A club or choir for singing glees, part-songs, etc
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Main Entry:glee

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glee club UK US noun [countable] [singular glee club plural glee clubs] american
a small organization for people who enjoy singing together
Thesaurus: groups of musicians or singershyponym

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glee club,
a group, often of men only, organized for singing part songs, ballads, and glees.

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n. a group organized to sing short choral works, esp. part-songs

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noun, pl ⋯ clubs [count]
: a group of people who sing together especially as a social activity in a school or college

Useful english dictionary. 2012.