
go about
begin to deal with (Freq. 5)

approach a task


go about a difficult problem


approach a new project

Syn: ↑set about, ↑approach
Derivationally related forms: ↑approach (for: ↑approach)
Hypernyms: ↑act, ↑move
Hyponyms: ↑confront, ↑face up, ↑face
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s VERB-ing

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1) begin or carry on work at (an activity); busy oneself with

you are going about this in the wrong way

2) Sailing change to the opposite tack

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go about [phrasal verb]
go about (something)
1 : to start to do (something)

I'd like to fix this old radio but I don't know how to go about (doing) it.

2 : to do (something)

Despite the threat of war, most people are just quietly going about their business. [=most people are just doing the things that they usually do]

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Main Entry:go

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ˌgo aˈbout derived
(BrE) = go around
Main entry:goderived

Useful english dictionary. 2012.