
go down
1. move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way (Freq. 11)

The temperature is going down


The barometer is falling


The curtain fell on the diva


Her hand went up and then fell again

Syn: ↑descend, ↑fall, ↑come down
Ant: ↑rise (for: ↑fall), ↑ascend (for: ↑descend)
See Also: ↑fall in (for: ↑fall)
Derivationally related forms: ↑fall (for: ↑fall), ↑descendant (for: ↑descend), ↑descendent (for: ↑descend), ↑descent (for: ↑descend)
Hypernyms: ↑travel, ↑go, ↑move, ↑locomote
prolapse, ↑rappel, ↑abseil, ↑rope down, ↑unhorse, ↑dismount, ↑light, ↑get off, ↑get down, ↑avalanche, ↑roll down, ↑dive, ↑plunge, ↑plunk, ↑set, ↑go under, ↑decline, ↑slump, ↑correct, ↑precipitate, ↑sink, ↑subside, ↑crash, ↑flop, ↑tumble, ↑topple, ↑drop, ↑plop, ↑pitch, ↑alight, ↑climb down, ↑settle, ↑pounce, ↑swoop, ↑drip, ↑cascade, ↑cascade down
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Somebody ——s


The airplane is sure to go down

2. go under, "The raft sank and its occupants drowned" (Freq. 5)
Syn: ↑sink, ↑settle, ↑go under
Ant: ↑float (for: ↑sink)
See Also: ↑sink in (for: ↑sink)
Derivationally related forms: ↑sinker (for: ↑sink), ↑sinking (for: ↑sink)
Hypernyms: ↑descend, ↑fall, ↑come down
Hyponyms: ↑subside, ↑settle, ↑founder, ↑submerge, ↑submerse
Verb Group: ↑sink
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Somebody ——s

3. grow smaller (Freq. 3)

Interest in the project waned

Syn: ↑decline, ↑wane
Derivationally related forms: ↑wane (for: ↑wane), ↑waning (for: ↑wane), ↑decline (for: ↑decline)
Hypernyms: ↑decrease, ↑diminish, ↑lessen, ↑fall
Hyponyms: ↑dip, ↑wear on, ↑drop
Verb Frames:

Something ——s

4. be recorded or remembered (Freq. 2)

She will go down as the first feminist

Verb Frames:

Something is ——ing PP


Somebody ——s PP

5. be ingested (Freq. 1)

This wine sure goes down well


The food wouldn't go down

Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Something ——s Adjective/Noun

6. be defeated (Freq. 1)

If America goes down, the free world will go down, too

Hypernyms: ↑lose
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Somebody ——s

7. disappear beyond the horizon

the sun sets early these days

Syn: ↑set, ↑go under
Ant: ↑rise (for: ↑set)
Topics: ↑astronomy, ↑uranology
Hypernyms: ↑descend, ↑fall, ↑come down
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


The moon will soon go down

8. stop operating

My computer crashed last night


The system goes down at least once a week

Syn: ↑crash
Derivationally related forms: ↑crash (for: ↑crash)
fail, ↑go bad, ↑give way, ↑die, ↑give out, ↑conk out, ↑go, ↑break, ↑break down
Verb Frames:

Something ——s

Useful english dictionary. 2012.