
grama grass
pasture grass of plains of South America and western North America
Syn: ↑grama, ↑gramma, ↑gramma grass
Hypernyms: ↑grass
Hyponyms: ↑blue grama, ↑Bouteloua gracilis, ↑black grama, ↑Bouteloua eriopoda
Member Holonyms: ↑Bouteloua, ↑genus Bouteloua

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see grama

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gra|ma «GRAH muh», noun, or grama grass,
any one of a genus of low pasture grasses abundant in the western and southwestern United States, especially blue grama, the most common variety.
[American English < Spanish grama (kind of) grass < Latin grāmen grass, an herb]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.