
any of various usually evergreen bog plants of the genus Parnassia having broad smooth basal leaves and a single pale flower resembling a buttercup
Syn: ↑parnassia
Hypernyms: ↑marsh plant, ↑bog plant, ↑swamp plant
Hyponyms: ↑bog star, ↑Parnassia palustris
Member Holonyms: ↑genus Parnassia

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\\-ˌpärˈnasəs, -(ˌ)pȧˈ-\ noun
Usage: often capitalized P
Etymology: from Parnassus, mountain in Greece
: a plant of the genus Parnassia

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/gras"euhv pahr nas"euhs, grahs"-/, n.
any plant belonging to the genus Parnassia, of the saxifrage family, growing in marshy areas, having broad, smooth leaves and a single, pale flower.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.