
the largest and southernmost island in the Marianas which is administered as a territory of the United States; it was ceded by Spain to the United States in 1898 (Freq. 10)
Syn: ↑GU
Instance Hypernyms: ↑island
Part Holonyms: ↑Mariana Islands, ↑Marianas, ↑Ladrone Islands

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Guamanian /gwah may"nee euhn/, n., adj.
/gwahm/, n.
an island, belonging to the U.S., in the N Pacific, E of the Philippines: the largest of the Marianas group; U.S. naval station. 84,996; 206 sq. mi. (535 sq. km). Cap.: Agaña. Abbr.: GU (for use with zip code).

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the largest and most southern of the Mariana Islands, administered as an unincorporated territory of the U.S.; pop. 166,000; capital, Agaña. Guam was ceded to the U.S. by Spain in 1898. It was the site of fighting between the Japanese and the U.S. during World War II
Guamanian [gwä'mānēən] adj. & n.

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Guam [Guam]
an independent US ↑territory in the western Pacific Ocean. It is the largest and most southern of the Mariana Islands. Guam is popular with tourists, and there are large US Air Force and Navy bases there. In 1944, during ↑World War II, US forces landed in Guam and defeated the Japanese who occupied it. In 1997, a Boeing 747 plane of Korean Air crashed there and 225 people in it were killed.

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guall, guam
obs. forms of gall v.1, yam.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.