
Guillain-Barre syndrome
a form of peripheral polyneuritis characterized by pain and weakness and sometimes paralysis of the limbs; cause is unknown
Syn: ↑infectious polyneuritis, ↑Landry's paralysis
Hypernyms: ↑polyneuritis, ↑multiple neuritis

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\\|gēˌyaⁿbəˈrā-\ noun
Usage: usually capitalized G&B
Etymology: after Georges Guillain b1876 French physician and neurologist and Jean A. Barré 20th century French neurologist
: a neurologic disorder of unknown cause characterized by sensory disturbances in the extremities and slight to severe locomotor impairment

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/gee yan"beuh ray"/, Pathol.
an uncommon, usually self-limited form of polyneuritis, occurring after a viral illness or immunization and manifested by loss of muscle strength, loss of or altered sensation and sometimes paralysis.
[after French physicians Georges Guillain (1876-1961) and Jean Alexandre Barré (1880-1967), who described it]

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Guillain-Barré syndrome /gē-yɛ̃ˈba-rāˈ sinˈdrōm/ (medicine)
Acute polyneuritis causing weakness or paralysis of the limbs
ORIGIN: Georges Guillain (1876–1961) and Jean Barré (1880–1967), French neurologists

Useful english dictionary. 2012.