
1. the religion of most people in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal
Syn: ↑Hinduism
India, ↑Republic of India, ↑Bharat, ↑Bangladesh, ↑People's Republic of Bangladesh, ↑Bangla Desh, ↑East Pakistan, ↑Sri Lanka, ↑Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, ↑Ceylon, ↑Nepal, ↑Kingdom of Nepal
Hypernyms: ↑religion, ↑faith, ↑organized religion
Hyponyms: ↑Brahmanism, ↑Brahminism
Member Meronyms:
Shivaism, ↑Sivaism, ↑Shaktism, ↑Saktism, ↑Vaishnavism, ↑Vaisnavism, ↑Hare Krishna, ↑International Society for Krishna Consciousness, ↑ISKCON, ↑Hindu, ↑Hindoo
2. a body of religious and philosophical beliefs and cultural practices native to India and based on a caste system; it is characterized by a belief in reincarnation, by a belief in a supreme being of many forms and natures, by the view that opposing theories are aspects of one eternal truth, and by a desire for liberation from earthly evils
Syn: ↑Hinduism
Members of this Topic:
bhakti, ↑mandala, ↑asana, ↑matsyendra, ↑Bhagavad-Gita, ↑Bhagavadgita, ↑Gita, ↑Mahabharata, ↑Mahabharatam, ↑Mahabharatum, ↑Vedic literature, ↑Veda, ↑Ayurveda, ↑mantra, ↑Kamasutra, ↑ahimsa, ↑Sanskrit, ↑Sanskritic language, ↑cycle of rebirth, ↑moksa, ↑karma, ↑samsara, ↑caste, ↑jati, ↑varna, ↑Arjuna, ↑Hindu deity, ↑Bengali, ↑guru, ↑mahatma, ↑sadhu, ↑saddhu, ↑nirvana, ↑enlightenment
Hypernyms: ↑religion, ↑faith, ↑religious belief
Darsana, ↑Mimamsa, ↑Vedanta, ↑Krishnaism, ↑Shivaism, ↑Sivaism, ↑Shaktism, ↑Saktism, ↑Vaishnavism, ↑Vaisnavism, ↑Vishnuism, ↑yoga, ↑Vedism

Useful english dictionary. 2012.