
Hottentot fig
low-growing South African succulent plant having a capsular fruit containing edible pulp
Syn: ↑Hottentot's fig, ↑sour fig, ↑Carpobrotus edulis, ↑Mesembryanthemum edule
Hypernyms: ↑succulent
Member Holonyms: ↑Carpobrotus, ↑genus Carpobrotus

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noun or hottentot's fig
Usage: usually capitalized H
: a low-growing woody southern African perennial (Carpobrotus edulis) of the family Aizoaceae that has angular stems, opposite succulent leaves united at the base, and large yellow or purplish rose flowers, that is cultivated as a ground cover, and that sometimes occurs as an escape in the southwestern United States

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Hottentot fig noun
1. A S African plant (Carpobratus edulis) with daisy-like flowers
2. Its edible fruit
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Main Entry:Hottentot

Useful english dictionary. 2012.