
house of God
any building where congregations gather for prayer
Syn: ↑place of worship, ↑house of prayer, ↑house of worship
Hypernyms: ↑building, ↑edifice
bethel, ↑chapel, ↑church, ↑church building, ↑conventicle, ↑meetinghouse, ↑masjid, ↑musjid, ↑mosque, ↑shrine, ↑synagogue, ↑temple, ↑tabernacle

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Usage: capitalized G
Etymology: translation of Late Latin domus Dei
: temple, church — called also house of prayer, house of worship

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1. Also called house of worship, house of prayer. a building devoted to religious worship; a church, synagogue, temple, chapel, etc.
2. Also, House of God. Islam. Ka'ba.

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house of God, house of prayer or house of worship noun
A place of worship
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Main Entry:house

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house of God UK US noun [countable] [singular house of God plural houses of God]
a Christian church or other building where people worship God
Thesaurus: religious and church buildingshyponym

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house of God,
a place of worship; church; temple.

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n. a place of religious worship, esp. a church

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ˌhouse of ˈGod [house of God] noun usually singular (pl. houses of God)(literary)
a church or other religious building

Useful english dictionary. 2012.