
inner circle
an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
Syn: ↑clique, ↑coterie, ↑ingroup, ↑pack, ↑camp
Hypernyms: ↑set, ↑circle, ↑band, ↑lot
Bloomsbury Group, ↑bohemia, ↑kitchen cabinet, ↑brain trust, ↑loop, ↑cabal, ↑faction, ↑junto, ↑camarilla, ↑military junta, ↑junta, ↑mafia, ↑maffia, ↑sect, ↑galere, ↑rogue's gallery, ↑hard core

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noun, pl ⋯ -cles [count]
: a small group of people who lead a government or an organization or who are close to its leader
— usually singular

The President has an inner circle of advisers.

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ˌinner ˈcircle [inner circle] noun
the small group of people who have a lot of power in an organization, or who control it

Useful english dictionary. 2012.