
an agency in the Department of Justice that enforces laws and regulations for the admission of foreign-born persons to the United States
Syn: ↑Immigration and Naturalization Service
Hypernyms: ↑agency, ↑federal agency, ↑government agency, ↑bureau, ↑office, ↑authority
Part Holonyms: ↑Department of Homeland Security, ↑Homeland Security
Part Meronyms: ↑United States Border Patrol, ↑US Border Patrol

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plural of in
present third singular of in
II. abbreviation
1. inscribed
2. inside
3. inspected; inspector
4. insular
5. insulated; insulation
6. insurance

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1. Immigration and Naturalization Service.
2. International News Service, a news-gathering agency: merged in 1958 with United Press to form United Press International.
Also, I.N.S.

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1. Immigration and Naturalization Service (US)
2. Inertial navigation system
3. International News Service

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abbr. Immigration and Naturalization Service

Useful english dictionary. 2012.