
abbr. information technology.

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I. abbreviation
1. immediate transportation
2. immunity test
3. income tax
4. internal thread
5. international tolerance
6. often not capitalized [Latin in transitu] in transit
II. abbreviation
information technology

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/it/, pron., nom. it, poss. its or (Obs. or Dial.) it, obj. it; pl. nom. they, poss. their or theirs, obj. them; n.
1. (used to represent an inanimate thing understood, previously mentioned, about to be mentioned, or present in the immediate context): It has whitewall tires and red upholstery. You can't tell a book by its cover.
2. (used to represent a person or animal understood, previously mentioned, or about to be mentioned whose gender is unknown or disregarded): It was the largest ever caught off the Florida coast. Who was it? It was John. The horse had its saddle on.
3. (used to represent a group understood or previously mentioned): The judge told the jury it must decide two issues.
4. (used to represent a concept or abstract idea understood or previously stated): It all started with Adam and Eve. He has been taught to believe it all his life.
5. (used to represent an action or activity understood, previously mentioned, or about to be mentioned): Since you don't like it, you don't have to go skiing.
6. (used as the impersonal subject of the verb to be, esp. to refer to time, distance, or the weather): It is six o'clock. It is five miles to town. It was foggy.
7. (used in statements expressing an action, condition, fact, circumstance, or situation without reference to an agent): If it weren't for Edna, I wouldn't go.
8. (used in referring to something as the origin or cause of pain, pleasure, etc.): Where does it hurt? It looks bad for the candidate.
9. (used in referring to a source not specifically named or described): It is said that love is blind.
10. (used in referring to the general state of affairs; circumstances, fate, or life in general): How's it going with you?
11. (used as an anticipatory subject or object to make a sentence more eloquent or suspenseful or to shift emphasis): It is necessary that you do your duty. It was a gun that he was carrying.
12. Informal. (used instead of the pronoun its before a gerund): It having rained for only one hour didn't help the crops.
13. (in children's games) the player called upon to perform some task, as, in tag, the one who must catch the other players.
14. Slang.
a. sex appeal.
b. sexual intercourse.
15. get with it, Slang. to become active or interested: He was warned to get with it or resign.
16. have it, Informal.
a. to love someone: She really has it bad for him.
b. to possess the requisite abilities for something; be talented, adept, or proficient: In this business you either have it or you don't.
17. with it, Slang.
a. aware of the latest fads, fashions, etc.; up-to-date.
b. attentive or alert: I'm just not with it early in the morning.
c. understanding or appreciative of something, as jazz.
d. Carnival Slang. being a member of the carnival.
[bef. 900; ME, var. of ME, OE hit, neut. of HE1]
Usage. See me.
/it/, n. Brit. Informal.
sweet vermouth: gin and it.
[1930-35; It(alian vermouth)]

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Information Technology

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IT UK [ˌaɪ ˈtiː] US [ˌaɪ ˈti] noun [uncountable]
information technology: the use of computers and other electronic equipment to store, process, and send information

IT skills/​systems/​training

the IT department

Thesaurus: processes in computinghyponym

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it «iht», pronoun, singular nom. it, poss. its or (Obsolete or Dialect) it, obj. it; pl. nom. they, poss. their or theirs, obj. them, noun.
1. the thing, part, animal, or person spoken about: »

Here is your paper; read it. Look at it carefully. He said, “It is I.”

2. the subject of an impersonal verb: »

It rains. It is cold. What is it you want? It snows in winter. It is now my turn.

3. an apparent subject of a clause when the logical subject comes later: »

It is hard to believe that he is dead.

4. the antecedent to any relative pronoun when separated by the predicate: »

It was a blue car that passed.

5. an object without definite force or reference: »

They lorded it over us. Confound it!

1. the player who must catch, find, guess, or otherwise get something in certain games.
2. Slang. sex appeal.
[Old English hit]
1. Italian.
2. Italy.
IT (no periods),
information technology.

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used to refer to things
You use it to refer to an object, animal, or other thing that has just been mentioned.

...a tray with glasses on it.

The horse must have been thirsty, because it went straight to the fountain and drank.

The strike went on for a year before it was settled.

When the subject of a sentence is followed by a relative clause, you do not use it in front of the main verb. You do not say, for example, `The town where I work, it is near London'. You say `The town where I work is near London'.

The bitter fighting which has split the Party in recent years has finally reached the General Council.

The interest which inspired these investigations came from Tarski's paper `On the Concept of Logical Consequence'.

The cave, which Ralph Solecki has been excavating, has yielded a rich selection of Neanderthal remains.

used to refer to situations
You can also use it to refer to a situation, fact, or experience.

I like it here.

She was frightened, but tried not to show it.

You often refer to something such as an experience or wish using an `-ing' form or `to'-infinitive after a verb such as `like'. When you do this, you do not use it in front of the `-ing' form or infinitive.
For example, you do not say `I like it, walking in the park'. You say `I like walking in the park'. Similarly, you do not say `I prefer it, to make my own bread'. You say `I prefer to make my own bread'.

I like being in your house.

I enjoy bathing in the sea.

I want to be an actress.

used with link verbs
It is often used as the subject of a link verb such as `be'. Usually it refers to something that has just been mentioned.

I like your Hungarian accent. I think it's quite attractive.

So you don't like them? It's a pity.

You can also use it as the subject of `be' to say what the time, day, or date is.

It's seven o'clock.

It's Sunday morning.

You can also use it as the subject of a link verb to describe the weather or the light.

It was terribly cold.

It was a windy afternoon.

It's getting dark.

used to describe an experience
You can use it with a link verb and an adjective to describe an experience. After the adjective, you use an `-ing' form or a `to'-infinitive. For example, instead of saying `Walking by the lake was nice', people usually say `It was nice walking by the lake'.

It's nice hearing your voice again.

It was sad to see her the victim of continual pain.

You can use it with a link verb and an adjective to describe the experience of being in a particular place. After the adjective, you use an adverbial such as `here' or `on the beach'.

It is very quiet and pleasant here.

It was warm in the restaurant.

It was cosy in the car.

used to comment on a situation
You can use it with an adjective or noun group to comment on a whole situation. After the adjective or noun group, you use a `that'-clause.

It is lucky that I am going abroad.

It's strange you should come today.

It's a pity you didn't stay.

It's a wonder he hasn't been in jail before this.

After an adjective, you can sometimes use a `wh'-clause instead of a `that'-clause.

It's funny how people change.

Get a carpet cleaner to do your carpets. It's amazing what they can do.

You do not use it with a link verb and a noun group to say that something exists or is present. You do not say, for example, `It's a lot of traffic on this road tonight'. You say `There's a lot of traffic on this road tonight'.

There's a lecturer in the Law Faculty called Hodgson.

There was no room in the cottage.

There will be no one to help you.

See entry at ↑ there.

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abbr. information technology

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/ˈıt, ət/ pronoun
1 : that one just mentioned
— used to refer to an object or substance

I caught the ball and threw it back.

He saw the car and immediately wanted to buy it.

She tasted the powder and it was sweet.

— used to refer to a living thing whose sex is unknown or is being ignored

I don't know who it is.

“Who is it?” “It's only me.”

There is a rosebush near the fence, and it is now blooming.

A fly landed on the table and I swatted it.

He heard the baby crying and brought it some milk.

— used to refer to an idea, quality, emotion, etc.

Beauty is everywhere, and it is a source of great joy.

— used as the subject of a verb that describes a condition or occurrence

It is cold/hot/raining/snowing outside.

It is (getting) late/dark.

It will soon be summer.

What time is it?

It is ten (minutes) after four (o'clock).

It hurts when I sneeze.

It is almost summer.

It is only a short walk to the beach from here.

— used in the place of a noun, phrase, or clause that usually comes later

It hurts me to sneeze. [=to sneeze hurts me]

It is not necessary (for you) to repeat the whole thing.

It makes me happy just to think about her.

It is wonderful being back here again!

It is a long way to the next town.

It is said/believed that he died of a broken heart.

They made it clear that they needed our help.

I take it that there was some problem.

It is me you are looking for. = (formal) It is I you are looking for.

It was here that I lost my way.

It was in this city that the treaty was signed.

— used to refer to something that has been done or is being done or is going to be done

We're going to have to do it again.

Quit it! [=stop doing what you are doing]

You've been arguing all afternoon. Now cut it out! [=stop arguing]

Please do it right away.

Okay, go to it! [=do the thing you are going to do]

— used as a direct object with little or no meaning

We hoofed it all the way back to camp. [=we walked all the way back to camp]

We decided to rough it on vacation this year. [=to have our vacation somewhere where we would not have our normal comforts]

living it up [=doing exciting and enjoyable things; spending money freely while enjoying life]

She offered to come with me, but I decided to go it alone. [=to go by myself; to go alone]

6 : the general situation : things in general

How's it going?

It hasn't been the same since you left.

7 : something previously discussed or known

When the bell rings, it means that class is over.

ask for it — see ask
do it — see do, 1
in for it — see for, 1
nothing to it — see nothing, 1
out of it — see out, 1
— used to say that something is finished or completed

Okay, that's it. You can go now.

— used to say that something is all that is needed or wanted

I came here to visit the museum and that's it. [=that is all I wanted to do here]

— used to say that something is correct

“I can't remember his name.” “I think it was Brian Johnson.” “Yes, that's it.”

— used in an angry or annoyed way to say that you will not accept any more of something

That's it! I'm leaving!

— used to say that this is the most important or final point

Well, this is it–the day we've been waiting for.

———————— II
/ˈıt/ noun, pl its [count]
: the player in some children's games (such as hide-and-seek and tag) who performs the main action of the game (such as finding or catching other players)

You're it!

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IT [IT] [ˌaɪ ˈtiː] [ˌaɪ ˈtiː] noun uncountable
the abbreviation for information technology (the study and use of electronic processes and equipment to store and send information of all kinds, including words, pictures and numbers)

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It, it
see gin and it s.v. gin n.2 2 b.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.