
type genus of the Juncaceae; perennial tufted glabrous marsh plants of temperate regions: rushes
Syn: ↑genus Juncus
Hypernyms: ↑monocot genus, ↑liliopsid genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Juncaceae, ↑family Juncaceae, ↑rush family
Member Meronyms: ↑bulrush, ↑bullrush, ↑common rush, ↑soft rush, ↑Juncus effusus

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\\ˈjəŋkəs\ noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, rush — more at jonquil
1. capitalized : a genus (the type of the family Juncaceae) of chiefly marsh plants of temperate regions that are perennial tufted glabrous herbs with mostly terete or channeled leaves
2. -es : any plant of the genus Juncus — see rush

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juncus /jungˈkəs/
Any plant of the genus Juncus, the typical genus of rushes, giving name to the Juncāˈceae, the rush family
ORIGIN: L juncus a rush
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juncāˈceous adjective

Useful english dictionary. 2012.