
n. & v.
1 discarded articles; rubbish.
2 anything regarded as of little value.
3 sl. a narcotic drug, esp. heroin.
4 old cables or ropes cut up for oakum etc.
5 Brit. a lump or chunk.
6 Naut. hard salt meat.
7 a lump of fibrous tissue in the sperm whale's head, containing spermaceti.
—v.tr. discard as junk.
Phrases and idioms:
junk food food with low nutritional value. junk mail unsolicited advertising matter sent by post. junk shop a shop selling cheap second-hand goods or antiques.
Etymology: ME: orig. unkn.
n. a flat-bottomed sailing vessel used in the China seas, with a prominent stem and lugsails.
Etymology: obs. F juncque, Port. junco, or Du. jonk, f. Jav. djong

Useful english dictionary. 2012.