1. handsome violet-streaked wood of the kingwood tree; used especially in cabinetwork
• Hypernyms: ↑wood
• Substance Holonyms: ↑kingwood tree, ↑Dalbergia cearensis
2. Brazilian tree yielding a handsome cabinet wood
• Syn: ↑kingwood tree, ↑Dalbergia cearensis
• Hypernyms: ↑tree
• Member Holonyms: ↑Dalbergia, ↑genus Dalbergia
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\\ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ noun1. : the wood of any of various trees especially of the genus Dalbergia; specifically : a handsome Brazilian wood from a tree (D. cearensis) of Ceará
2. : a tree that yields kingwood
3. : goncalo alves 2
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/king"wood'/, n.
1. a Brazilian wood streaked with violet tints, used esp. in cabinetwork.
2. the tree of the genus Dalbergia that yields this wood.
[1850-55; KING + WOOD1]
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kingˈwood noun
1. A beautiful Brazilian wood also called violet-wood
2. The papilionaceous tree yielding it, a species of Dalbergia
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Main Entry: ↑king
Useful english dictionary. 2012.