
primitive reptile-like fossil birds of the Jurassic or early Cretaceous
Syn: ↑subclass Archaeornithes
Hypernyms: ↑class
Member Holonyms: ↑Aves, ↑class Aves
Member Meronyms: ↑genus Archaeopteryx, ↑genus Archeopteryx, ↑genus Sinornis, ↑genus Ibero-mesornis, ↑genus Archaeornis

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\\-ˈȯrnəˌthēz, -ˌȯrˈnī(ˌ)thēz\ noun plural
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from archae- + -ornithes
: a subclass of Aves comprising the earliest and most primitive of fossil birds, retaining distinctive reptilian characters, and including the two genera Archaeornis and Archaeopteryx

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Archaeornithes /är-ki-örˈni-thēz/
plural noun
A subclass of primitive reptile-like fossil birds, the Saururae, including the archaeopteryx and similar birds
ORIGIN:archaeo- and Gr ornithes, pl of ornīs, ornīthos bird

Useful english dictionary. 2012.