
lady crab
brightly spotted crab of sandy beaches of the Atlantic coast of the United States
Syn: ↑American lady crab, ↑calico crab, ↑Ovalipes ocellatus
Hypernyms: ↑swimming crab
Member Holonyms: ↑Ovalipes, ↑genus Ovalipes

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1. : a brightly spotted swimming crab (Ovalipes ocellatus) that is very common on the sandy shores of the Atlantic coast of the United States
2. : a crab (Portunus puber) of the English coasts that is closely related and similar to the American lady crab

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a brightly speckled swimming crab, Ovalipes ocellatus, of sandy beaches along the Atlantic coast of the U.S. Also called calico crab.

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lady crab,
any of various crabs, especially a species common on the Atlantic coast of the United States; calico crab.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.