
land mass
a large continuous extent of land
Syn: ↑landmass
Hypernyms: ↑land, ↑dry land, ↑earth, ↑ground, ↑solid ground, ↑terra firma
Hyponyms: ↑continent, ↑subcontinent

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land mass UK US noun [countable] [singular land mass plural land masses]
a continent or large area of land surrounded by sea

the Antarctic land mass

Thesaurus: large areas of landhyponym

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land mass, or land|mass «LAND MAS», noun.
a large, unbroken area of land, especially a continent: »

Antarctica is the earth's coldest land mass. The former Soviet Union and its satellites formed a land mass that extended from eastern Europe through most of Asia.

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ˈland mass [land mass land masses] noun (technical)
a large area of land, for example a continent

Useful english dictionary. 2012.