
lithium carbonate
a white powder (LiCO3) used in manufacturing glass and ceramics and as a drug; the drug (trade names Lithane or Lithonate or Eskalith) is used to treat some forms of depression and manic episodes of manic-depressive disorder
Syn: ↑Lithane, ↑Lithonate, ↑Eskalith
carbonate, ↑major tranquilizer, ↑major tranquillizer, ↑major tranquilliser, ↑antipsychotic drug, ↑antipsychotic agent, ↑antipsychotic, ↑neuroleptic drug, ↑neuroleptic agent, ↑neuroleptic

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: a crystalline salt Li2CO3 used in the glass and ceramic industries and in medicine in the treatment of manic-depressive psychosis

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a colorless crystalline compound, Li2CO3, slightly soluble in water: used in ceramic and porcelain glazes, pharmaceuticals, and luminescent paints.

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lithium carbonate,
a white, crystalline powder used in the manufacture of ceramics, glass, and luminescent paints, and in medicine as a psychotherapeutic drug. Formula: Li2CO3

Useful english dictionary. 2012.