
Little Office
a Roman Catholic office honoring the Virgin Mary; similar to but shorter than the Divine Office
Topics: ↑Roman Catholic, ↑Western Church, ↑Roman Catholic Church, ↑Church of Rome, ↑Roman Church
Hypernyms: ↑office

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Usage: often capitalized L&O
: a usually invariable office resembling but shorter than the daily canonical office and designed to honor a special saint or mystery of religion; especially : such an office honoring the Virgin Mary

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(sometimes caps.) Rom. Cath. Ch. an office similar to but shorter than the divine office, in honor of a saint, a mystery, or, esp., the Virgin Mary.

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little office noun
A short service of psalms, hymns, collects, etc
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Main Entry:little

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little office,
a Roman Catholic service honoring the Virgin Mary, similar to the daily prescribed office, but shorter.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.