
living room
a room in a private house or establishment where people can sit and talk and relax (Freq. 12)
Syn: ↑living-room, ↑sitting room, ↑front room, ↑parlor, ↑parlour
Hypernyms: ↑room
Hyponyms: ↑common room, ↑morning room, ↑salon
Part Holonyms: ↑dwelling, ↑home, ↑domicile, ↑abode, ↑habitation, ↑dwelling house

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noun, pl ⋯ rooms [count]
: a room in a house for general family use
— usually singular

He is watching TV in the living room.

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ˈliving room [living room living rooms] (BrE also ˈsitting room) noun
a room in a house where people sit together, watch television, etc.
Syn: lounge
See also:sitting room

Useful english dictionary. 2012.