
locust bean
long pod containing small beans and sweetish edible pulp; used as animal feed and source of a chocolate substitute
Syn: ↑carob, ↑carob bean, ↑algarroba bean, ↑algarroba, ↑locust pod
Hypernyms: ↑bean
Substance Holonyms: ↑carob, ↑carob powder, ↑Saint-John's-bread
Part Holonyms: ↑carob, ↑carob tree, ↑carob bean tree, ↑algarroba, ↑Ceratonia siliqua

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1. : carob 1b
2. : african locust

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1. carob.
2. a seed of a carob pod.

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locust bean noun
The carob bean
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Main Entry:locust

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locust bean,
the fruit of the carob.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.