
long ago
of the distant or comparatively distant past (Freq. 14)

We met once long ago


they long ago forsook their nomadic life


left for work long ago


he has long since given up mountain climbing


This name has long since been forgotten


"lang syne" is Scottish

Syn: ↑long since, ↑lang syne

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I. adverb
Etymology: long (II) + ago
: in the distant or comparatively distant past : not recently

long ago changed their nomadic way of life for a settled one

left for work long ago

II. noun
: the distant past

the excitement and uncertainties of the campaign, even the triumph of the election, seem incidents of the long agoNew Yorker

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long ago
: at a time in the distant past

events that happened long ago

The announcement was made not long ago. [=the announcement was made recently]

It wasn't so/very long ago that this place was empty field.

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Main Entry:long

Useful english dictionary. 2012.