
mallow family
herbs and shrubs and some trees: mallows; cotton; okra
Syn: ↑Malvaceae, ↑family Malvaceae
Hypernyms: ↑dilleniid dicot family
Member Holonyms: ↑Malvales, ↑order Malvales
Member Meronyms:
Malva, ↑genus Malva, ↑mallow, ↑Abelmoschus, ↑genus Abelmoschus, ↑Abutilon, ↑genus Abutilon, ↑Alcea, ↑genus Alcea, ↑genus Althaea, ↑Callirhoe, ↑genus Callirhoe, ↑Gossypium, ↑genus Gossypium, ↑genus Hibiscus, ↑Hoheria, ↑genus Hoheria, ↑Iliamna, ↑genus Iliamna, ↑Kosteletzya, ↑genus Kosteletzya, ↑Lavatera, ↑genus Lavatera, ↑Malacothamnus, ↑genus Malacothamnus, ↑genus Malope, ↑Malvastrum, ↑genus Malvastrum, ↑Malvaviscus, ↑genus Malvaviscus, ↑Napaea, ↑genus Napaea, ↑genus Pavonia, ↑Plagianthus, ↑genus Plagianthus, ↑Radyera, ↑genus Radyera, ↑Sida, ↑genus Sida, ↑Sidalcea, ↑genus Sidalcea, ↑Sphaeralcea, ↑genus Sphaeralcea, ↑Thespesia, ↑genus Thespesia

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: malvaceae

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the plant family Malvaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants, shrubs, and trees having palmately veined, lobed, or compound leaves, sticky juice, often showy five-petaled flowers with stamens united in a column, and fruit in the form of a capsule with several divisions, and including the cotton plant, hibiscus, hollyhock, mallow, okra, and rose of Sharon.

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mallow family,
a group of dicotyledonous herbs, shrubs, and trees, most of which have sticky, gummy juice, and flowers shaped like those of the hollyhock. The family includes the mallow, hollyhock, cotton, okra, hibiscus, and althea.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.