
n. & v.
1 (often in pl.) an item or commodity, usu. not further distinguished (a collection of odd articles).
2 a non-fictional essay, esp. one included with others in a newspaper, magazine, journal, etc.
3 a a particular part (an article of faith). b a separate clause or portion of any document (articles of apprenticeship).
4 Gram. the definite or indefinite article.
—v.tr. bind by articles of apprenticeship.
Phrases and idioms:
definite article Gram. the word (the in English) preceding a noun and implying a specific or known instance (as in the book on the table; the art of government; the famous public school in Berkshire). indefinite article Gram. the word (e.g. a, an, some in English) preceding a noun and implying lack of specificity (as in bought me a book; government is an art; went to a public school). the Thirty-nine Articles a set of beliefs affirmed by the ministers of the Church of England.
Etymology: ME f. OF f. L articulus dimin. of artus joint

Useful english dictionary. 2012.