
erect annual or biennial plant grown extensively especially for hay and soil improvement
Syn: ↑melilot, ↑sweet clover
Hypernyms: ↑woody plant, ↑ligneous plant
Hyponyms: ↑white sweet clover, ↑white melilot, ↑Melilotus alba, ↑yellow sweet clover, ↑Melilotus officinalis
Member Holonyms: ↑genus Melilotus

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\\ˌmeləˈlōd.əs\ noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin melilotos melilot
1. capitalized : a genus of annual or biennial erect Old World leguminous herbs that comprise the sweet clovers, have trifoliolate leaves, small white or yellow flowers in axillary racemes, and short straight one-seeded or two-seeded pods, and are widely cultivated and naturalized as escapes
2. -s : a plant of the genus Melilotus

Useful english dictionary. 2012.