
type genus of the Ascaphidae; in some classifications included in the family Leiopelmatidae
Syn: ↑genus Ascaphus
Hypernyms: ↑amphibian genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Ascaphidae, ↑family Ascaphidae
Member Meronyms: ↑tailed frog, ↑bell toad, ↑ribbed toad, ↑tailed toad, ↑Ascaphus trui

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\\ˈaskəfəs\ noun
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek askaphos not dug about, from a- a- (II) + -skaphos (from skaptein to dig); akin to Latin capo capon — more at capon
: a genus of western No. American toads including only the bell toad which is distinguished by a taillike copulatory organ in the male cloaca and which is sometimes isolated in a separate family (Ascaphidae) but usually included in the Liopelmidae

Useful english dictionary. 2012.