
type genus of the family Mustelidae: minks and weasels
Syn: ↑genus Mustela
Hypernyms: ↑mammal genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Mustelidae, ↑family Mustelidae
Member Meronyms:
weasel, ↑mink, ↑polecat, ↑fitch, ↑foulmart, ↑foumart, ↑Mustela putorius, ↑black-footed ferret, ↑ferret, ↑Mustela nigripes

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\\ˌməˈstēlə\ noun
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, weasel, probably from mus mouse + -tela (origin unknown) — more at mouse
: a genus of carnivorous mammals (the type of the family Mustelidae) comprising active predators and valuable furbearers

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Mustela /mu-stēˈlə/
The marten genus, giving name to the family Musteˈlidae (otters, badgers and weasels) and the subfamily Mustelīˈnae (weasels and martens)
ORIGIN: L mustēla weasel
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musˈteline /-təl-īn/ adjective and noun

Useful english dictionary. 2012.