
1. a member of the Algonquian people formerly of Maryland and eastern Delaware
Hypernyms: ↑Algonquian, ↑Algonquin
2. the Algonquian language spoken by the Nanticoke and Conoy
Hypernyms: ↑Algonquian, ↑Algonquin, ↑Algonquian language

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\\ˈnantəˌkōk\ noun (plural nanticoke or nanticokes)
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: Nanticoke Naitaquok, literally, tidewater people
a. : an Indian people of eastern Maryland and southern Delaware
b. : a member of such people
2. : an Alonquian language of the Nanticoke and Conoy peoples
3. : one of a group of people of mixed Indian, white, Negro ancestry in southern Delaware

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/nan"ti kohk'/ or, for 1, /-koh'/, n.
1. a city in SE Ontario, in S Canada, on Lake Erie. 19,816.
2. a city in E Pennsylvania. 13,044.
/nan"ti kohk'/, n., pl. Nanticokes, (esp. collectively) Nanticoke.
1. a member of an extinct North American Indian people who inhabited Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania.
2. the Algonquian language of the Nanticoke.
3. a member of a group of people of southern Delaware of mixed white, black, and Indian ancestry.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.