
proboscis monkeys
Syn: ↑genus Nasalis
Hypernyms: ↑mammal genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Cercopithecidae, ↑family Cercopithecidae

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\\nāˈz]alə̇s, -ˈs], ]āl-, ]äl-\ noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin nasus nose + -alis -al — more at nose
1. -es : a small muscle on each side of the nose that constricts the nasal aperture by the action of (1) a triangular transverse portion which draws the lateral part of the aperture upward and (2) a quadrangular alar portion which draws it downward
2. capitalized : a genus of monkeys (family Cercopithecidae) that comprises the proboscis monkey

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Nasalis /naz-āˈlis/ noun
The proboscis monkey genus
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Main Entry:nasal

Useful english dictionary. 2012.