
naval battle
a pitched battle between naval fleets
Hypernyms: ↑battle, ↑conflict, ↑fight, ↑engagement
Instance Hyponyms:
Actium, ↑Aegates Isles, ↑Aegadean Isles, ↑Aegospotami, ↑Aegospotamos, ↑Bismarck Sea, ↑battle of the Bismarck Sea, ↑Coral Sea, ↑battle of the Coral Sea, ↑Hampton Roads, ↑Jutland, ↑battle of Jutland, ↑Lepanto, ↑Battle of Lepanto, ↑Manila Bay, ↑Midway, ↑Battle of Midway, ↑Navarino, ↑battle of Navarino, ↑Passero, ↑Cape Passero, ↑Philippine Sea, ↑battle of the Philippine Sea, ↑Santiago, ↑Santiago de Cuba, ↑Battle of the Spanish Armada, ↑Trafalgar, ↑battle of Trafalgar, ↑Tsushima

Useful english dictionary. 2012.