
nip and tuck
plastic surgery to remove wrinkles and other signs of aging from your face; an incision is made near the hair line and skin is pulled back and excess tissue is excised

some actresses have more than one face lift

face lift, ↑facelift, ↑lift, ↑face lifting, ↑cosmetic surgery, ↑rhytidectomy, ↑rhytidoplasty
Derivationally related forms: ↑face-lift (for: ↑face lifting)
Hypernyms: ↑plastic surgery, ↑reconstructive surgery, ↑anaplasty
Hyponyms: ↑nose job, ↑rhinoplasty
inconclusive as to outcome; close or just even in a race or comparison or competition

as they approached the finish line they were neck and neck


the election was a nip and tuck affair

Syn: ↑neck and neck, ↑head-to-head
Similar to: ↑inconclusive
even or close in a race or competition or comparison

the horses ran neck and neck


he won nip and tuck

Syn: ↑neck and neck, ↑head-to-head
Derived from adjective: ↑head-to-head (for: ↑head-to-head), ↑neck and neck (for: ↑neck and neck)

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adv. & adj. neck and neck; closely contested

[as adv.]

it was nip and tuck until the Tigers took the lead
n. informal a cosmetic surgical operation

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US of a race or other competition : so close that the lead changes quickly and very often from one person or team to another

The race was nip and tuck for a while.

nip and tuck adv

The candidates were running nip and tuck early in the campaign.

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ˌnip and ˈtuck 7 [nip and tuck] adjective, adverb, noun
adjective, adverb (especially NAmE) = neck and neck

The presidential contest is nip and tuck.

noun (informal)
a medical operation in which skin is removed or made tighter to make sb look younger or more attractive, especially a ↑facelift [m1] 

Useful english dictionary. 2012.