
chiefly North American herbs with usually nocturnal flowers
Syn: ↑genus Oenothera
Hypernyms: ↑dicot genus, ↑magnoliopsid genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Onagraceae, ↑family Onagraceae, ↑evening-primrose family

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\\ˌēnəˈthirə, ēˈnäthərə\ noun
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin oenothera, onothera, a plant of the genus Epilobium, from Greek oinothēras, onothēras
: a genus of mostly No. American annual or biennial herbs (family Onagraceae) having usually nocturnal yellow flowers with erect buds and terete seeds in two rows in a capsule — see evening primrose, kneiffia

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Oenothera /ē-nō-thēˈrə, sometimes ē-nothˈə-rə/
The evening primrose genus of Onagraceae
ORIGIN: Gr oinothēras, perh a wrong reading for onothēras, a plant whose roots smelt of wine, perh oleander

Useful english dictionary. 2012.