
n. & v.
1 a person holding a position of authority or trust, esp. one with a commission in the armed services, in the mercantile marine, or on a passenger ship.
2 a policeman or policewoman.
3 a holder of a post in a society (e.g. the president or secretary).
4 a holder of a public, civil, or ecclesiastical office; a sovereign's minister; an appointed or elected functionary (usu. with a qualifying word: medical officer; probation officer; returning officer).
5 a bailiff (the sheriff's officer).
6 a member of the grade below commander in the Order of the British Empire etc.
1 provide with officers.
2 act as the commander of.
Phrases and idioms:
officer of arms a herald or pursuivant.
Etymology: ME f. AF officer, OF officier f. med.L officiarius f. L officium: see OFFICE

Useful english dictionary. 2012.