
trees and shrubs having berries or drupes or capsules as fruits; sometimes placed in the order Oleales: olive; ash; jasmine; privet; lilac
Syn: ↑family Oleaceae, ↑olive family
Derivationally related forms: ↑oleaceous
Hypernyms: ↑dicot family, ↑magnoliopsid family
Member Holonyms: ↑Gentianales, ↑order Gentianales
Member Meronyms:
Olea, ↑genus Olea, ↑Chionanthus, ↑genus Chionanthus, ↑genus Forestiera, ↑genus Forsythia, ↑Fraxinus, ↑genus Fraxinus, ↑Jasminum, ↑genus Jasminum, ↑Ligustrum, ↑genus Ligustrum, ↑Osmanthus, ↑genus Osmanthus, ↑Phillyrea, ↑genus Phillyrea, ↑Syringa, ↑genus Syringa

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\\ˌōlēˈāsēˌē\ noun plural
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Olea, type genus + -aceae
: a family of shrubs and trees (order Oleales) having opposite or rarely alternate exstipulate leaves, tetramerous flowers, and the fruits a berry, drupe, or capsule

Useful english dictionary. 2012.