
one by one
1. in single file (Freq. 6)

the prisoners came out one by one

Syn: ↑one after another, ↑one at a time
2. one piece at a time (Freq. 1)

she sold the plates by the piece

Syn: ↑by the piece
3. apart from others

taken individually, the rooms were, in fact, square


the fine points are treated singly

Syn: ↑individually, ↑separately, ↑singly, ↑severally, ↑on an individual basis
Derived from adjective: ↑single (for: ↑singly), ↑separate (for: ↑separately), ↑individual (for: ↑individually)

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adverb also one after one
: with one following the other : one after another : one at a time : singly, successively

came into the room one by one

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one by one
Singly in order
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Main Entry:one

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one by one phrase
first one, then the next, then the next etc, separately

Add the eggs one by one, stirring as you do so.

Thesaurus: one after anothersynonym individuality and individualsynonym
Main entry: one

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separately and in succession; singly

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one by one
: separately in a series

The performers took the stage one by one.

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Main Entry:one

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ˌone by ˈone idiom
separately and in order

I went through the items on the list one by one.

Main entry:oneidiom

Useful english dictionary. 2012.