
Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries
an organization of countries formed in 1961 to agree on a common policy for the production and sale of petroleum
Syn: ↑OPEC
Hypernyms: ↑world organization, ↑world organisation, ↑international organization, ↑international organisation, ↑global organization, ↑oil cartel
Member Meronyms:
Algeria, ↑Algerie, ↑Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria, ↑Egypt, ↑Arab Republic of Egypt, ↑United Arab Republic, ↑India, ↑Republic of India, ↑Bharat, ↑Indonesia, ↑Republic of Indonesia, ↑Dutch East Indies, ↑Iran, ↑Islamic Republic of Iran, ↑Persia, ↑Iraq, ↑Republic of Iraq, ↑Al-Iraq, ↑Irak, ↑Kuwait, ↑State of Kuwait, ↑Koweit, ↑Libya, ↑Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, ↑Qatar, ↑State of Qatar, ↑Katar, ↑State of Katar, ↑Saudi Arabia, ↑Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ↑United Arab Emirates, ↑Venezuela, ↑Republic of Venezuela

Useful english dictionary. 2012.