
1. someone who listens attentively
Syn: ↑hearer, ↑listener, ↑auditor
Derivationally related forms: ↑attend, ↑listen (for: ↑listener), ↑hear (for: ↑hearer)
Hypernyms: ↑perceiver, ↑percipient, ↑observer, ↑beholder
Hyponyms: ↑eavesdropper
Member Holonyms: ↑audience
2. someone who waits on or tends to or attends to the needs of another
Syn: ↑attendant, ↑tender
Derivationally related forms: ↑tend (for: ↑tender), ↑attend, ↑attend (for: ↑attendant)
Hypernyms: ↑assistant, ↑helper, ↑help, ↑supporter
companion, ↑baggageman, ↑batman, ↑bellboy, ↑bellman, ↑bellhop, ↑bridesmaid, ↑maid of honor, ↑caddie, ↑golf caddie, ↑checker, ↑courtier, ↑cupbearer, ↑equerry, ↑escort, ↑esquire, ↑famulus, ↑gillie, ↑groomsman, ↑lifeguard, ↑lifesaver, ↑linkboy, ↑linkman, ↑loader, ↑matron of honor, ↑orderly, ↑hospital attendant, ↑page, ↑varlet, ↑racker, ↑rocker, ↑second, ↑servitor, ↑squire, ↑gallant, ↑steward, ↑flight attendant, ↑stretcher-bearer, ↑litter-bearer, ↑trainbearer, ↑waker, ↑rouser, ↑arouser
3. a person who is present and participates in a meeting

he was a regular attender at department meetings


the gathering satisfied both organizers and attendees

Syn: ↑attendant, ↑attendee, ↑meeter
Derivationally related forms: ↑meet (for: ↑meeter), ↑attend, ↑attendant (for: ↑attendant), ↑attend (for: ↑attendant)
Hypernyms: ↑participant
Hyponyms: ↑conventioneer, ↑partygoer, ↑symposiast

Useful english dictionary. 2012.