
oxygen debt
a cumulative deficit of oxygen resulting from intense exercise; the deficit must be made up when the body returns to rest
Hypernyms: ↑physical condition, ↑physiological state, ↑physiological condition

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: the cumulative deficiency of oxygen that develops in the body during periods of intense activity and that must be made good when the bodily activity returns to a normal level

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the body's oxygen deficiency resulting from strenuous physical activity.

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oxygen debt noun
A depletion of the body's store of oxygen occurring during bursts of strenuous exercise, replaced after bodily activity returns to normal levels
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Main Entry:oxygen

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oxygen debt,
depletion of oxygen stored in the tissues and red blood cells due to a burst of exercise. Oxygen is restored after the exercise is completed. »

Although the other tissues can accumulate an oxygen debt, it is essential for the brain to maintain its oxygen supply (New Scientist).

Useful english dictionary. 2012.