
palo santo
South American tree of dry interior regions of Argentina and Paraguay having resinous heartwood used for incense
Syn: ↑Bulnesia sarmienti
Hypernyms: ↑angiospermous tree, ↑flowering tree
Member Holonyms: ↑Bulnesia, ↑genus Bulnesia
Substance Meronyms: ↑guaiac wood, ↑guaiacum wood

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\\ˌpalōˈsanˌtō, ˌpälōˈsän-\ noun
Etymology: American Spanish, literally, holy tree
: any of several So. American trees esteemed locally for medicinal or other special properties; especially : a tree (Bulnesia sarmienti) of the family Zygophyllaceae occurring in dry interior regions of Argentina and Paraguay and having a resinous heartwood used for incense — see guaiac wood

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/pal"oh san"toh/
1. a South American tree, Bulnesia sarmienti, of the caltrop family, yielding a fragrant essential oil.
2. a tropical American tree, Triplaris americana, of the buckwheat family, having large leaves and showy red female flowers.
[ < AmerSp: lit., holy wood]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.