
genus of rhizomatous herbs of north temperate regions: butterbur; sweet coltsfoot
Syn: ↑genus Petasites
Hypernyms: ↑asterid dicot genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Compositae, ↑family Compositae, ↑Asteraceae, ↑family Asteraceae, ↑aster family
Member Meronyms:
butterbur, ↑bog rhubarb, ↑Petasites hybridus, ↑Petasites vulgaris, ↑winter heliotrope, ↑sweet coltsfoot, ↑Petasites fragrans, ↑Petasites sagitattus

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\\ˌped.əˈsīd.(ˌ)ēz\ noun
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek petasitēs, petasitis butterbur, from petasos broad-brimmed hat; probably from the shape of the leaves; akin to Greek petannynai to spread out — more at fathom
: a genus of herbs (family Compositae) that are native to temperate and subarctic regions, have thick rootstocks, large basal leaves, and radiate white or purplish flowers, and possess medicinal properties similar to those of the true coltsfoot — see butterbur

Useful english dictionary. 2012.