
1. adjective /kəʊld,koʊld/
a) Having a low temperature.

A cold wind whistled through the trees.

b) Causing the air to be cold.

The forecast is that it will be very cold today.

Syn: chilled, chilly, freezing, frigid, glacial, icy, cool, brass monkeys, nippy, parky, taters, aloof, distant, hostile, standoffish, unfriendly, unwelcoming, unprepared, unready
Ant: baking, boiling, heated, hot, scorching, searing, torrid, warm, amiable, friendly, welcoming, prepared, primed, ready
2. noun /kəʊld,koʊld/
a) A condition of low temperature.

Come in, out of the cold.

b) A common, usually harmless, viral illness, usually with congestion of the nasal passages and sometimes fever.

I caught a miserable cold and had to stay home for a week.

Syn: coldness, common cold, coryza, head cold
3. adverb /kəʊld,koʊld/
a) While at low temperature.

The steel was processed cold.

b) Without preparation.

The speaker went in cold and floundered for a topic.

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