
1. adjective
a) That which exists and evolved within the confines of an eco-system.

The species will be under threat if its natural habitat is destroyed.

b) Of or relating to nature.

In the natural world the fit tend to live on while the weak perish.

Ant: aberrant, abnormal, artificial, freak
See Also: antenatal, innate, nascent, natal, native, nativity, nativization, nativism, naturism, naturalism, prenatal, au naturel
2. noun
a) A native inhabitant of a place, country etc.

I coniecture and assure my selfe that yee cannot be ignorant by what meanes this peace hath bin thus happily both for our proceedings and the welfare of the Naturals concluded [...].

b) A note that is not or is no longer to be modified by an accidental, or the symbol ♮ used to indicate such a note.

Hes a natural on the saxophone.

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