
1. noun
a) An anthology of previously released material linked together by theme or author, especially in book form.

"Please, is that an omnibus?""Omnibus est," said the driver, without turning round.

b) A television program consisting of all of the episodes of a soap opera that have been shown in the previous week.

"Omnibus, my friend informs me, comes from the Latin omnibus, meaning to or for by with or from everybody, which is a very good description. Well, this song is about a bus, its wittily subtitled - I thought of this - A Transport of Delight."

2. adjective
a) Containing multiple items.

The legislature enacted an omnibus appropriations bill.

b) An edition of a radio programme consisting of all of the episodes of a soap opera that have been broadcast in the previous week.

The omnibus edition of "The Archers" is broadcast every Sunday morning at 11.00

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