
1. noun /ˈhɔɹɪbl,ˈhɑɹɪbl/
a) A thing that causes horror; a terrifying thing, particularly a prospective bad consequence asserted as likely to result from an act.

Heres a carcase. I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, Ill go to it laughing. Such a waggish leering as lurks in all your horribles!

b) A person wearing a comic or grotesque costume in a parade of horribles.

A lot of the possible horribles conjured up by the people objecting to this convention ignore the plain language of this treaty.

2. adjective /ˈhɔɹɪbl,ˈhɑɹɪbl/
a) Causing horror; terrible; shocking.
b) Tremendously wrong or errant.
See Also: horrific, horrify, horror, horrendous

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